Relaxing a show & a venue.

We offer support and advice on how to make shows and venues more accessible, at all or any stage of the process.

This might include working with theatre management, creative, production and technical departments across all elements of the show, including advice on technical amends, box office, ticketing, marketing and outreach advice, producing support resources, production and delivery support throughout, in person and written briefings for cast, crew, box office and front of house teams and support on the day of the performance itself. 

The journey will look something like below, but we adapt according to the needs of each production and venue.

Remember, any show and venue can be relaxed and made more accessible.

The first step

  • we will have an initial conversation to understand what you are looking for

  • we will then come to see the show and produce a report of suggested amendments for the show, and ways to make the venue more accessible.

Relaxing the show

If you decide to move ahead with a relaxed performance, we will then…

  • advise on the performance date, seating allocations and access accommodations, prices and delivery timeline

  • work with the box office team, advising on key questions and issues for booking a relaxed

  • meet with production teams to discuss amends, considering which are possible, and which might need to be simplified or changed.

  • write or advise on copy for the website and marketing materials, in consultation with your marketing teams to ensure consistency with your brand.

  • support with marketing and outreach through our networks with disability and theatre organisations.

  • create support resources, writing content for the visual story for the venue and sensory synopsis for the show.

  • support the creation of promotional videos explaining how we've worked with you to make the relaxed show happen (see our Videos page for examples).

  • be available all the way along for emails and meetings to support you.

Ahead of the show

A week or so ahead of the show we will..

  • attend the tech rehearsal for the relaxed show for any advice for cast or crew.

  • speak to the cast, crew, front of house, and security about neurodiversity, the changes for the relaxed performance, and what to expect.

On the day

  • we will be there with you on the day to support you and welcome everyone.